We take extra precautions to ensure the quality of our items.Validate your product bellow to assure that you have original and safe to use product.

Why do I need to double-check the authenticity?

We work hard to guarantee that you have a secure and functional product, therefore we protect it with authentication security. By verifying authenticity, our clients may be certain that the product is genuine and safe to use.

How many times can I validate the code?

After a successful verification, each code is recorded as utilized. This is done to verify that no code is copied or utilized on counterfeit items.

What should I do if the Authenticity check returns "Not genuine"?

If you acquired a product with our label but it did not pass the Authenticity check, it is most likely a counterfeit product. Please contact your provider and request clarification.

Why do I need to double-check the authenticity?

We work hard to guarantee that you have a secure and functional product, therefore we protect it with authentication security. By verifying authenticity, our clients may be certain that the product is genuine and safe to use.

How many times can I validate the code?

After a successful verification, each code is recorded as utilized. This is done to verify that no code is copied or utilized on counterfeit items.

What should I do if the Authenticity check returns "Not genuine"?

If you acquired a product with our label but it did not pass the Authenticity check, it is most likely a counterfeit product. Please contact your provider and request clarification and/or a refund.